Member: CWCA - a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization - TAX ID# 23-2596031

Frequently Asked Questions about CWCA Senior Boys Baseball

Q: What is Senior (Sr.) Boys Baseball?

A: CWCA SR Boys Baseball is the summer extension of Conrad Weiser school baseball. We are a non-profit community organization that gives boys ages 13-19 an opportunity to play baseball in the summer after the school season ends.

Q: Why should my son play CWCA Sr. Boys Baseball and not somewhere else?

A: As discussed above, CWCA SR Boys baseball is a summer extension of school baseball. The same baseball concepts and fundamentals will be taught as they are emphasized within the CW High School boys baseball program. The goal will be to continually improve upon the fundamentals and teaching of the game in order to have a productive High School baseball program. Our belief is that the more our CW boys play together and are taught proper fundamentals, the more competitive and cohesive they will become as they progress toward High School baseball.

Q: When does the summer season start and how long is the season?

A: Practice typically begins shortly after school season ends. Games typically begin about a week prior to Memorial Day and run through mid July. Playoffs, if applicable, run through end of July.

Q: Why is the cost to play what it is?

A: The Sr. Boys program bears 100% of the expenses to pay league registrations, insurance, coaches’ stipends, umpire’s fees, bats, balls, uniforms, utilities and other costs to field the teams for the various age groups of boys. These expenses amount to over $600/player. The registration fees typically cover about HALF of the true costs to operate the program. Fund raising efforts make up the rest.


Q: Who will coach my son?

A: We aspire to hire coaches with College level playing experience or post high school experience as head coaches. Legion and Jr. Legion baseball require a greater understanding of the game. Therefore, a broader background in baseball is required to properly teach the game at this higher level of play. We try not to have parents as coaches at these levels and we strive to keep continuity with our coaches from season to season as much as possible.

Q: Who are the coaches?

A: Our CWCA Sr. Boys coaching staff is expected to be as follows:

Legion Head Coach - Rob Lozenski

Rob attended Misericordia University and played baseball all 4 years.  He is a Central Catholic High School graduate & played baseball for Topton Legion.  He also played for the Berkshire Red Sox for over 10 years and is currently on their 28 & over team.  

Coach Lozenski began his coaching career in 2001 for the Berkshire Baseball Organization as an assistant coach and has continued to coach for the Berkshire youth program for 10 years.  From 2009 to 2011, Coach Lozenski was the head coach for a 13-U Berkshire team.  In 2010, Coach Lozenski was the head coach of the Berkshire Red Sox Independent Adult team and from 2012 to 2013, was the Assistant Coach for the Berkshire Red/Blue Sox Optimist team.  In addition, he was the head coach of Exeter Junior Legion the summer of 2007 and has been the Antietam Middle School Head Coach since 2010.  Coach Lozenski is now also the Conrad Weiser Middle School baseball coach.

Legion Assistant Coach - Ryan Bingaman

Jr. Legion Head Coach - Aaron Price

Coach Price is a returning Conrad Weiser Baseball Alum.  He was captain and starting first baseman for the 2010 Conrad Weiser State Championship team.  In addition to playing for the school, he also player Junior Legion and Legion baseball for Conrad Weiser.   He also played for ESTB tournament teams, Playball Stars and Playball Black Sox.  From 2011 through 2013 he was a player coach for the Robesonia Pioneers

Coach Price is now the 10th grade honors Literary Concepts teacher for Reading High School.

Q: How is playing time determined?

A: Coaches determine playing time. While ability is a strong determining factor, effort and attitude also play a role in earning playing time. There is no goal of equal playing time and there is no guaranteed playing time. Players will not automatically be benched for missing a game if it was prearranged with the coach.  However, if a player misses a game without previously telling the coach, they will likely be benched at the next game they attend.

In the mid and younger age groups, while there is no guaranteed amount of playing time, coaches generally try to get all boys in the game. It is part of CWCA Baseball’s mission to keep boys interested in playing baseball, therefore we encourage coaches to keep all boys engaged by trying to play as many players as is practical, balanced with the goal of winning.

Q:  When should we schedule our vacation? 

A: We ask that families schedule vacations at the end of the season (late July).  The leagues we participate in impose severe penalties when games are forfeited.  These penalties can include monetary fines or expulsion from the league.  We try to keep our team rosters to a maximum of 15 (greatly below the league limit of 18).  At times CW team sizes can be even lower than our maximum of 15.  We feel that the players benefit the most by keeping our team sizes at this level.  Consequently, multiple vacations, especially at the same time can create huge problems.   

It is very important for players to communicate their summer vacation plan on or before registration if they occur during the season.

Q: When are tryouts for Sr. Boys?

A: Tryouts will typically be held in spring (March or April). Two tryouts dates will be set and potential players must attend one tryout date. We recommend that potential players attend all tryout sessions.

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